The “Académie Internationale de Rugby” is the result of the combined experience acquired by many experts from the world of rugby. They may be professional rugby coaches, young coaches from amateur clubs, professional players and also individuals who just love this sport.

Our ambitions and objectives are mainly focused on developing rugby in France, helping young French and non-French players to improve their skills and their performance so they can reach the next level. We seek to support existing structures to help achieve excellence in rugby thanks to the combined experience of the different coaches and educators at the “Académie Internationale de Rugby”.

AIR organises its activities in two main areas: rugby camps focusing on high performance for players (French and non-French) aged 14 to 18, and support and advice for clubs (particularly at the federal, “honneur” and “série” levels) through discussions, meetings, seminars and webinars.

The “Académie Internationale de Rugby” organises symposiums, debates and discussions between coaches during which we seek to communicate and share our methodologies thanks to the expertise of our Top Coaches, whose experience as professional rugby coaches is recognised by everyone.

AIR - the unique high performance experience.
SPARTE DEVELOPPEMENT - SAS au capital de 1500 € - Rue de la Carrière de Bachasson – Arteparc Bachasson – Bât. D – 13590 Meyreuil